

This page is nothing more than a disclaimer to stat that any of the images on this site are NOT mine and that they DO belong to their respective creators and the publishers that licence them. NOTE I did say their creators so that also includes the creators of the Fan fics that are on this page.this little guy came from the excite e-mail composser =D


But since that looks really boring I am going to the links from which I have found my pictures and a few other things on it. Like a few Love Hina fan Fics that I did not steal from but permanently borrowed from the Web Site Naru's Diary.


Well Since you already have the link to Naru's Diary so I won't bother you with again but to the other is

David's Anime Resources and Info

Rei's Anime Page

Kitsune no Yume

To the owners of these sites I would just like to say Domo Arigato thank you very much.

As well as to the creators of the Images that I have used as my backgrounds. Domo Arigato.

And Here are Fan Fics that I barrowed From Naru


Child's Story Author: Ucchan
Pillow Talk Author: One Man Cult
Dairies Author: Akal-Saris
Lord of the Liddo-Kun Author: Akal-Saris